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Hello, beautiful people!


I’m Shauné, a makeup artist, beauty expert, entrepreneur and beauty business coach based in Washington, D.C. I’m the owner and principal makeup artist of Red Carpet Ready Makeup with Shauné Hayes and have worked in the beauty industry for over 15 years. 

I have been blessed to do makeup for Tom Hanks, Anita Baker, Rita Wilson, Danai Gurira, John Legend, Carlos Santana, Common and Nancy Pelosi, to name a few. My work has appeared in media outlets including Tribune Media, TLC, The Food Network, Essence, The Washington Post and Billboard. I’ve worked with beautiful brides, high profile CEOs, professional athletes, publications, agencies and production companies.

And now? I want to work with you.


Why am I your makeup artist?

Because you have meaningful moments that you need to look good for, and you want a makeup artist who can capture your personality and style.

Because your wedding day deserves to be as unique as you are, and you want a makeup artist who can curate a boutique beauty experience just for you.

Because you need a signature look that highlights what makes your iconic brand stand out in the spotlight.  

Because your project requires the white glove treatment. From concept to completion, you want a makeup artist who can support your creative vision by providing exceptional artistry, a high class experience and unparalleled service.

Because you prefer clean, natural makeup that is enhanced, not overdone; skin that looks like skin, not product; and makeup that never distracts.

And me? That’s exactly what I do.

I help you look amazing through the art of makeup and partner with you to create a look that emulates your essence. So no matter what your red carpet moment is, trust me to have you camera ready for the spotlight.

Need hair too? My preferred hairstylists are waiting to work with you.

If you’re Ready to get Red Carpet Ready, let’s connect.




As an entrepreneur, beauty industry expert and insider, Shauné is frequently called on to share her wisdom with the media. A powerful presence and inspiring success story, she can deliver dynamic, engaging, transformative keynote speeches and workshops for other women, beauty industry events, and empowerment experiences.

Signature Topics

The Well Entrepreneur: Taking care of YOU, the human behind the brand

Rethinking balance! How to set boundaries in life and business

Creating new habits to achieve your wellness goals

Trade time for value, not money: How to create the client experience

If you’re looking for a powerful and empowering presenter to speak to your audience of women, artists, and/or business owners, Contact Shauné and share the details and budget for your event.


My Beauty Breakthrough

Hello, beautiful people!”

It’s how I greet everyone whether in person or online. It’s my signature, my calling card, my distinguishing characteristic because I want you to know that you are beautiful and that real beauty has very little to do with what people see on the surface and everything to do with who you are on the inside.

Accepting my own true beauty didn’t come easy. As someone who has struggled to lose weight and get healthy for years, I learned to hide behind an impeccably painted face and all black clothing (the fashion gods say it makes you look slimmer).

I was an overweight kid, husky tween, chubby teenager and then adult yo-yo dieter. I never felt beautiful because of my weight and it caused me to lack confidence and suffer from low self-esteem. Instead of looking internally at my real beauty, I could only see myself superficially: Hair done and makeup on point. 

Between 2012-2015, I thought I had my life and work all figured out. I gave up my journalism career to begin my new life as a makeup artist and entrepreneur. Very quickly, business was booming. I was always booked and waking up every day to do what I love.

And yet… if I was really honest with myself (which I wasn’t being at the time), I was deeply unhappy, physically exhausted, and my body was literally breaking down. Part of me knew that I had to change. But another larger part of me didn’t know how. I was in poor health and burned out after just three years of doing my makeup business full time.

Oprah says first you get the whisper, then the scream, then the brick.

My whisper had been happening for quite some time. Girl, you need to lose some weight! Being on your feet all day doing makeup isn’t as easy as it was when you weren’t so heavy, my inner self often chided.

Did I listen? No. Instead, I kept stuffing my exhaustion with food while struggling to be consistent with exercise – all while trying to lose weight… without results. 

Ambitious and stubborn, I kept pushing myself past my breaking point, booking gigs I knew I didn’t have the energy for, and showing up without being fully present for my clients.

Then came the screams. As in screaming pain in my knees, feet, and lower back. My weight kept climbing. And being on my feet all day? Debilitating.

The brick finally came days before a celebrity makeup booking and press junket when an aching pain in my right arm worsened to the point where I couldn’t lift it to do makeup. I ended up in the emergency room only to discover I had bursitis in my shoulder. With my major makeup job in 2 days, I needed my mobility back – stat!

The fear of not being able to do what I love was the brick I needed.

Before and after picture of my 100 pound weight loss

I hit the reset button on my overall health and wellness.

In June 2017, I started loving all of me and finally seeing my beauty from within as a result of my wellness journey.

Today, I am 100 pounds lighter, a whole lot healthier, and with a clear, confident mind, body, and spirit that’s fueled by self-care, personal passion, and a desire to help other women look and feel their best.

Also as a certified health and wellness coach and plant-based nutrition professional and Food for Life instructor, I educate, motivate and support people to reach their optimal health.

People tell me I’ve had a total body transformation. And while that’s true, what’s more meaningful for me is the total life transformation. Gone are the days of living on autopilot, of business burnout, of settling for aching knees, feet, and back or suffering with a frozen shoulder. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, stress and joint pain, gone, too.

Today, I live in full alignment with my gifts, my greatness, and my desire to BE that change agent for others who are ready to journey deep into the heart and soul of who they are, what they want, and who they desire to become.